Solar Electricity Basics - Revised and Updated 2nd Edition
Powering Your Home or Office with Solar Energy
by Dan Chiras
Climate change and limits to fossil fuels compel us to find safer, more economical, and more sustainable ways to meet our needs for electricity. And, as more and more electric cars hit the road, we'll need to find a way to provide fuel that is clean, environmentally sustainable, and affordable.
With Solar Electricity Basics, author Dan Chiras offers a concise and up-to-date guide covering all the essentials. It explores:
- How to size, cost, and choose the right system, including off-grid vs. grid-tied vs grid-tied with battery backup
- Where to mount a system for maximum performance
- What type of modules and inverters to buy
- How to install and maintain batteries
- Cost vs benefit for solar electric systems
- How to connect to the grid, and what type of net metering your area offers.
Solar Electricity Basics is an indispensable guide for homeowners, business owners, builders, and students for figuring out solar electricity quickly and easily.
Click here to view an excerpt and here to see the table of contents.
About the Author
Dan Chiras, Ph.D, is the author of numerous books on renewable energy, including Power from the Sun, Power from the Wind and The Homeowners Guide to Renewable Energy.Over the past 40 years Dan has published numerous articles on natural building, green building, solar electricity, passive solar design, self-sufficiency, and sustainability. He has lived on solar electricity since 1996 in Colorado and Missouri.